Little did I know when my parents were picking a sport for me to play when I was younger, it would become my passion and the thing that gets me through my ups and downs. I could write and talk about the sport of soccer forever.
of you probably think I'm going to talk about the sport itself, why I like
playing it, stories throughout my life playing the sport. I will however, I'm
going to focus on the impact it had on me and why now I consider it the best
outlet for me to release stress and anxiety as a whole.
I said, I want to talk a little bit about my fun experiences and stories and
how I really started enjoying the Sport. First, I'm going to talk about the
team aspects, which I considered the best part. Within soccer, and throughout the years I've been
playing, being a part of a team brings you the best memories and lifelong
friends. Being able to work together with one goal in mind is the greatest
thing I want to talk about is what I've learned throughout playing and being
around this sport my whole life. I've learned how to face adversity.
haven't had the smoothest path within the sport to get to where I am now. There
were many ups and downs, probably more downs. However, it taught me to never
give up and to stay true to myself no matter what. Not letting other People's
words affect you.
back at the title of this blog, you see the word outlet. When I'm asked about
my hobbies, I will always say soccer, and there is one main reason for it.
Being in school and Homelife creates a lot of stress and anxiety, sometimes.
Loads of work to do, Test the study for, and grades to worry about, I get
pretty anxious. I've always found myself reaching for an outlet to just let go
of That stress and anxiety that's built up. This is exactly what soccer does
for me. When I get like this, just taking breaks and going out to just play
around by myself or with other people is the number one thing that helps me
reset and restart.
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